1321 Results
"The Internet of Things" and Home Security
Almost anything can be made into a "smart" device, such as security cameras and sensors, TVs, garage door openers, door locks, wearable devices, pacemakers, and even cars. These devices are what we refer to as the "Internet of Things" (IoT), which holds the promise of adding a whole new level of convenience and connectedness to everyday life. Having that many new, connected computing devices, most of which record activity, presents new challenges for security and privacy. This course teaches employees the best practices for IoT devices both at home and at work.10 Minutes -
10 Common Errors on IRA
Learn about the 10 common errors that financial institutions and their employees make on IRAs. You will learn how to keep these common errors out of your practices.11 Minutes -
2020-01 January - Consumer Compliance Rating System and a Winning Culture of Compliance
A winning culture of compliance is not just the job of your Compliance Department. Rather, it is important that everyone throughout your organization knows that they have daily compliance responsibilities, and it starts with you at the top. Regulators and Examiners are looking to the Board of Directors to set the tone for the rest of their organization so that every employee can confidently follow the rules of our highly regulated industry. Your Financial Institutions provide so much to the communities you serve, and if compliance is not managed correctly, then you risk harm to your consumers and could potentially face devastating penalties. In this session, the components of the Consumer Compliance Rating System (CCRS) will be discussed as well as how these principles will help you lead your organization into a winning culture of compliance. Covered Topics:- The Importance of Responsible Business Conduct
- Creating a Competitive Advantage with a Holistic Compliance Approach
- Determining your Institution's Risk Tolerance
- Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act (FIRREA) Penalties
- Principles of the Consumer Compliance Rating System (CCRS) and its Components
- Board Oversight and Change Management
23 Minutes -
2020-02 February - Real Estate Appraisals Update: Regulations and Best Practices
One of the more cumbersome areas in real estate lending, both commercial and residential, is the appraisal process. While the requirements of our regulators may not be the issue, the fact that there are multiple guidelines and/or regulatory documents to understand and navigate can make it difficult to handle the appraisal process correctly. This program provides for directors an overview of these various guidelines and documents, and how the October 2018 Interagency. Frequently Asked Questions on the Appraisal Regulations and the Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines did much to further reduce the volume of rules-bearing documents and clarified the role of the primary document, the 2010 Interagency Guidelines. It also covers several best practices that your bankers can employ to make the appraisal process become a contributor to the lending process, rather than a necessary evil or bottleneck.
Covered Topics:
- The Evolution of Appraisal Regulation
- FFIEC Comments on Commercial vs Residential
- Home Valuation Code of Conduct (HVCC)
- Uniform Mortgage Data Program (UMDP) and Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD)
- Appraisal FAQs
- Interagency Guidelines
- Appraisal Issues and Best Practices
- Levels of Review
- How to Build an Appraisal/Property Database
- Developing a Bid Process
23 Minutes -
2020-03 March - CAMELS Rating for Executives
The foundation for every safety & soundness exam is the CAMELS rating system. Examiners look at numerous "assessment factors" for each component of your rating. We will look at what management and the board must consider to be in compliance and to maintain safe and sound financial performance. We will discuss examiner hot spots, as well. This session will help you understand the big picture and how the efforts of all departments piece together. Covered Topics:- Understand the purpose of the CAMELS rating system
- The six components of CAMELS
- Assessment factors examiners dig into when reviewing each component in your institution.
- Examiner Hot Spots
- How to obtain a strong score, and what could happen if the institution is determined to be critically deficient
18 Minutes -
2020-04 April - Vendor Management & Third Party Due Diligence
All the federal regulatory agencies have clear expectations around banks™ vendor management programs. Required elements include review of contractual arrangements, identification of critical vendors, continuous and independent reviews, and risk assessments. As well, a review of the compensation arrangements between the bank and its vendors are at issue. Is your program up to these expectations? Make sure you have the proper responsibilities and accountability articulated for your program. Covered Topics:- Who Should be the Focus of Your Vendor Program?
- Concerns/guidance from each Federal Regulator (CFPB, Federal Reserve, and OCC)
- Board & Management Oversight of Regulatory Expectations
- Service Level Agreement (SLA) Recommendations
- Policies and Procedures, Training, and Auditing
25 Minutes -
2020-05 May - Board Secretary Procedural and Compliance Responsibilities
Your role as Board Secretary is integral to the efficient operation of board meetings. The minutes you scribe are a key part of the documenting of discussions and decisions. Your minutes are utilized by many, including directors, management, legal counsel and examiners. In this program you will find out how to master the critical responsibilities of Board Secretary. Covered Topics:- General Responsibilities
- Director and Officer Matters
- Agenda and Package Distribution
- Oversight and Risk Management: What to Document in the Minutes
25 Minutes -
2020-06 June - BSA & OFAC 2020 Update
Your Board of Directors are required to be updated and kept current on BSA issues. This concise training program explores all the major BSA and OFAC issues of 2020. It includes potential legislation on beneficial ownership and the Safe Banking Act as well as an overview of what it means to "know your customer". Your board will enjoy this event and hopefully learn how to provide oversight for the bank's risk. Covered Topics:- Customer Identification Programs (CIP) & Customer Due Diligence (CDD)
- Illicit Cash Act
- How to handle High-Risk Customers such as Marijuana and Hemp businesses
- CTR and SAR filings and forms
- Recordkeeping “ Wires and Monetary Instruments
- 314 a and 314 b
25 Minutes -
2020-07 July - Cannabis Update for the Board 2020
Cannabis is one of the most difficult industries to understand with the myriad of state and federal laws. During this program we will review updates to Cannabis laws as well as potential pitfalls that arise when working with customers in this industry. We will also discuss potential solutions to current issues as well as policies to mitigate risk. Just understanding the issues involved with marijuana and hemp will help your Board make good decisions regarding this interesting and growing industry. Covered Topics:- Products of the cannabis plant and definitions
- Where are we with the Safe Banking Act?
- Understanding the current USDA regulations on hemp
- How to write your policy and procedures for marijuana, hemp, or both
- Making a decision is this new and uncertain industry
25 Minutes -
2020-08 August - Essential Board Reporting
Clear, concise, complete information is critical to a boards decision-making. Examiners closely scrutinize board packages to confirm the board is receiving necessary information. We will discuss the safety and soundness and compliance areas reviewed by examiners. This invaluable session will include what types of reports should be included in board packages and how these reports should be utilized.Covered Topics:
- How to determine the info you need (not too much, not too little)
- A walk around your institution
- What's required by each officer to give you at your institution?
- Reg requirements such as: BSA, Fair Lending, UDAAP and more!
- Loan Policy and Summary Reports
- Exception Reporting
- ALCO Reporting
- IT/Information Security/Vendor Management/Risk Management
- Investment Portfolios
- And much, much more!
25 Minutes