
Employee Privacy: Balancing a Manager's Right to Know

Course Description

This course provides an overview of employee privacy in the workplace. Managers should know their state's regulations on privacy to achieve a balance between their need-to-know, with employees' right to freedom from undue intrusion into their personal lives. This course is for managers who wish to avoid litigation for invasion-of-privacy or defamation claims, yet who must sometimes consider drug testing, searches, discussion of an employee's behavior, or examination of an employee's after-hour activities. This course may also interest company executives who initiate company policy regarding privacy.
30 Minutes
Series: Employment Law
Roles: Asset Management, Board of Directors, Commercial, Compliance - External Audit, Compliance - Internal Audit, Human Resources, Mortgage Professionals, Operations & IT, Retail, Wholesale Banking
Course Format: Online Self-Paced
Package: Breakthrough, Mortgage Complete, Non-Bank Complete

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