GDPR: Navigating the GDPR with our US Partners
Course Description
The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) takes effect May 25th, 2018, ushering in sweeping changes to requirements for any EU organization that collects, maintains, or processes the personal data of EU citizens, and exchanges of that data with organizations outside the EU will be significantly impacted. Since data transfers with the US represent a major share of these cross-border activities, this course will focus on a comparison of the differences between EU and US privacy laws, as well as exploring avenues by which EU-US information exchanges can be conducted.
8 Minutes
Series: GDPR
Roles: Asset Management, Board of Directors, Commercial, Compliance - External Audit, Compliance - Internal Audit, Human Resources, Mortgage Professionals, Operations & IT, Retail, Wholesale Banking
Course Format: Online Self-Paced
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