
Understanding the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Course Description

The course is designed for managers or supervisors whose employees may request or require leave. It also provides an "advanced path" with more detailed information designed for FMLA-leave administrators (i.e., staff responsible for designating and qualifying leave requests as FMLA-qualifying). Users will learn about eligibility requirements, circumstances under which employees qualify for FMLA leave, pay and benefits employees are entitled to while on leave, and responsibilities for record keeping and posting notices regarding FMLA procedures.
44 Minutes
Series: Employment Law
Roles: Asset Management, Board of Directors, Commercial, Compliance - External Audit, Compliance - Internal Audit, Human Resources, Mortgage Professionals, Operations & IT, Retail, Wholesale Banking
Course Format: Online Self-Paced
Package: Breakthrough, Mortgage Complete, Non-Bank Complete

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