How to Create a Learning Culture

A learning culture differs from a training culture in that it allows for continuous learning among your employees. Training and development never ends, and the learner has more control of their training experience, resulting in more engagement and better results. But how to you begin to develop a culture of learning? Consider these tips:

  1. Have conversations about learning—what’s working, what isn’t and what to do about it
  2. Ask your learning partners who provide training about best practices
  3. Encourage exceptional employees to participate as experts and mentors
  4. Discuss expectations in job interviews, job descriptions and quarterly reviews
  5. Hold monthly meetings with trainers, supervisors and branch managers to assess the program
  6. Measure results—test, observe and monitor error rates

Honey Shelton, president of financial training specialists InterAction Training, offers this advice:

  1. Know your audience
  2. Engage your listeners
  3. Have some fun
  4. Organize your content
  5. Use bite-sized bits
  6. Try knowledge check-ins (pop quizzes)
  7. Don’t assume the worst (lazy learners)
  8. Use feedback

Try New Ideas

To help training stick, take the opportunity to try new approaches or consider new ideas. Before implementing organization-wide, try these tips to present your new training ideas first:

  1. Suggest a pilot with a small group—agree on how to measure results
  2. Collect data from peers in other companies who are also using a new approach
  3. Gather testimonials showing results and provide them to your senior management team

Use Adult Learning Techniques

A recent webinar, Train Smarter and More Effectively, by InterAction Training offered insight into how Malcolm Knowles, the originator of adult learning techniques, described ways to teach adults.

  1. “Facilitate,” don’t teach
  2. Offer help to cope with daily life, perform a task or solve a problem
  3. Recognize that adults come to learning with a wealth of experience and a great deal to contribute
  4. Respond to internal motivators, such as increased self-esteem, vs. external motivators, such as salaries

Ready to create a learning culture that helps compliance training stick? Download our full e-book – Preparing the Front Lines: A Guide to Creating a High Impact Financial Compliance Training Program for more tips.

By |2019-11-25T05:18:41-06:00November 26th, 2018|Financial Services|0 Comments

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