January 2025
FTC Finalizes Changes to COPPA
The FTC has finalized changes to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule to set new requirements around the collection, use, and disclosure of children’s personal information and give parents new tools and protections to help them control what data is provided to third parties about their children.
Why Is This Important to Me?
Once the final rule has been published in the Federal Register, OnCourse Learning’s Advertising Compliance courses will be updated.
Fed Adjusts Interest Rates in Regs A and D
The Federal Reserve Board has published amendments to Regulations A and D to change interest rates paid to the Fed for primary and secondary credit and revise the rate paid on reserve balances maintained at Reserve Banks.
Why Is This Important to Me?
Share with applicable colleagues.
HMDA Filing Period Open
The filing period for HMDA data collected in 2024 opened on January 1, 2025. Submissions are considered timely if received on or before Monday, March 3, 2025
Why Is This Important to Me?
Share with applicable colleagues responsible for reporting HMDA data.
About the Author
Rachel Davis
Senior Product Manager at OnCourse Learning

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